© 2020 Missy Timko Photography www.missytimko.com

Family Photograph in Urban Pittsburgh

Here's what I love about this family portrait--the personality of each family member comes shining through. Not everybody chose to dress formally, and not everybody chose to dress casually. Each family member is dressed exactly as he or she wants to be dressed, and it works! With her white athletic shoes, this is not a daughter who conforms to the norms of a traditional family portrait. And the son prefers to dress up! The mother is elegant, and the father is casual. The result is enchanting.

The ideal setting for this family portrait is a charming Pittsburgh side street with chalk-covered streets. Perfect! This is definitely not your great grandmother's family portrait.

I'm always on the look-out for artistic settings for my family portraits. I have a fine art studio background and a Master’s degree in teaching and fine art, including painting, drawing, and design, so I am thinking about compositional elements (shape, form, color, space) as I am shooting and editing portraits of your family. This includes considering negative space, balance, proportion, and directional light & shadow.

All of those elements came together in this unique and lovely family portrait. Let me know if you would like a family portrait that genuinely reflects the personality of your family.

Missy Timko Photography | info@missytimko.com | 412-559-3889