© 2019 Missy Timko Photography www.missytimko.com

Five-Year-Old Portrait in Brown and Beige

When photographing children, the best thing a photographer can do is to wait and let the child move her own body the way she wants to. I make sure I am ready with lighting and angles to capture what the child does, but the child will typically find her own pose. In this portrait, this five-year-old found a great pose. My job is to find the best expression to go with that pose.

This sweet little girl came up with a "Rocky Balboa" pose, and she is clearly very happy with it! There are all sorts of games and imaginary scenarios that I use to bring out a child's personality. You never know what's going to work, but in this case, a game of "pretend you're the champion" worked well. It allowed me to capture her sweet face along with her imaginative spirit. Neutral clothing doesn't detract from this flight of fancy. I love the combination of browns and beiges in this portrait, and the gray background provides the perfect contrast.

I am the mother of two young children myself, so I know what makes them tick. Working with children is my favorite thing to do, so photos like this make feel very proud and happy that I am able to do the work I love.

Missy Timko Photography | info@missytimko.com | 412-559-3889